Lian Wang Trading Pte Ltdhas become a prominent provider in the construction industry. Established since 1992, Lian Wang now offers a wide range of bricks, bricks tiles, and other constructions materials to the local companies. With more than 20 years of experience, we have established ourselves as a reliable and responsible construction materials supplier that also provides one-stop service for our clients.
As the world moves towards an environmentally friendly and eco-green industry, we had set up a subsidiary company “Greatwall Panel Pte Ltd”, to produce “Great wall” Ultra lightweight concrete panels for upcoming projects.
Find the Product for your
Construction needs.We carry a wide variety of building and construction materials,
we have the solutions for your architectural & construction
Our fleet of more than 20 lorry crane vehicles helps ensure
timely delivery of ours clients completing more than 100 trips
each day.learn more -
Autoclaved Aerated
Concrete PanelFortisLite AAC/ALC Panel is a precast wall solution for
your building and construction needs. It a lightweight
precast wall solution that is 4 hour fire rate, achieving
a green mark of 4 ticks.learn more -
Roadstone Concrete PaversROADSTONE concrete pavers are manufactured to IS EN
1338:2003. They are durable, lasting and astatically pleasing.
Roadstone pavers has a variety of applications allowing you
to pave your dreams using ROADSTONE concrete pavers.learn more -
Lian Wang Trading Pte Ltd is one of Davco Red Flag Store
location. We carry the various system wall solutions from
DAVCO for all your construction needs. Head down to the
RED FLAG Store to learn more.learn more